Human script vs. AI script for Video: Pros and Cons

Human script vs. AI script for Video: Pros and Cons

When it comes to video content creation, the choices we make in script generation can profoundly impact the success of our projects. As technology advances, one of the key decisions we face is whether to rely on human-generated scripts or embrace the efficiency of AI-generated scripts. So, the dilemma is which is better: Human script vs. AI script for video?

A Quiet Revolution of Voice AI Exploding via Chat GPT

A Quiet Revolution of Voice AI Exploding via Chat GPT

Until recently the take up of AI powered audio has occurred below the radar but has been significant, with thousands of companies leveraging the AI-based audio technology and millions of people now listening to this type of audio communication with what was little or no media coverage and very little awareness from mainstream consumers. But with the emergence of Chat GPT and the take up of Voice AI has completed changed this for consumers, businesses and mainstream culture alike. Post by contributor Audio Harvest