An iconic TED presenter using power and creativity with his Yo-yos. Photos by Duncan Davidson
Effectively implementing psychological marketing techniques is a critical step in the process for business and sales growth!
What makes your business truly appealing to a new customer, what makes them "feel" something in order to help them make a decision. Below are the top six ways to implement persuasion techniques...
- Reciprocate - We tend to return favors from those that help us. Distribute free samples, freely offer information and make customers feel valued. In turn they will feel slightly indebted to you and want to pay you back in some form. If they receive items from you or information, they will feel more inclined to work with you in the future. Think about giving someone a small gift, some advice or freebie and watch them reciprocate. So "be the first to give and be sure to make it personalize and unexpected." Be sure to check out our free downloads here, use our code: bhmc15
- Scarcity - Simply put, people want more of those things that there are less of. Be sure to inform people about the benefits of the product/service, and what they might stand to lose if they do not buy from you. When people believe they are getting an item before others or something that can be hard to come by, they are willing to pay more. Luxury products cater this type of psychology and mindset. Auctions and even crowdfunding sites use exclusivity as two examples. Get our free downloads, as they will expire today!
- Authority - People tend to follow the lead of knowledgeable and credible experts! For example, patients are more likely to follow suggestions, if doctors display their medical degrees in the office rooms. If people wear a uniform or nice suit, others may be more inclined to loan them money or give them something for free. The good news is that other people can "do it for you" by using referrals, recommendations and introductions, thus validating your authority in an area. So be sure to get testimonials, referrals, reviews so that both people benefit from the introductions. An expert introduction has lead to a 20% rise in confirmed appointments, and a 15% rise in the signed contracts! (Stats from Influence at work, the video shown below) We have hand selected our downloads from experts across the world, get yours today!
- Consistency - According to experts, humans crave consistency, from when we are little kids and as adults. Asking new customers to make some small commitment helps them stay focused on the future action... ideally a larger sale, a booking or signed contract. Age is a critical factor here and different demographics can help or hurt you. In one study on adding home driving signs, a 400% increase was achieved by first asking home owners to post a much small sign in their window, before adding a much larger sign onto their yard. Be sure to look for "voluntary, active and public commitments" to show traction and adoption. See if you can get customers to take an action, even writing something down! Send us an email and you will get access to our private downloads.
- LIkeability- People tend to like people who pay us complements, cooperate and who are similar to us... think about school alumni, colleagues and friends. Identify a similarity you might share with the new customer or future client... then negotiate, and you may be able to convert up to 90% more versus a cold presentation. Be likable and relate-able, look for similarities and offer genuine compliments. We want to share our downloads with you here, cause you are worth it!
- Social Proof - Consensus, draw a connect to others that are behaving the way you want them to. In hotels, they use signs to get guests to reuse their towels, by comparing you to others behavior the growth is conversions is simply amazing! Look at what many others are doing for external credibility and validation. Be sure to compare the customers to others in similar scenarios and demographics. See why over 2,914 professionals have downloaded our resources, click here and enter code: bhmc15.
“Try small, practical and cost-less changes to convert prospects, gain customers and increase conversions to sales!”
Want to learn them all in more depth... watch the video!
Now when it comes to persuasive ads, here are some key elements in which the science of persuasion is used. (Entrepreneurial Insights)
- A short, memorable, positive slogan
- A strong narrative story
- From what perspective the target audience sees the action
- The color psychology used the color scheme
- Who is given the power in the ad and who isn’t
- The subtext of the ad
The four main persuasion principles are: endorsement, appeal to emotions, solutions, and character and story lines.
Appeal To Emotion – This technique focuses on eliciting positive associations with a brand by leveraging the power of emotions. Such ads stir up desirable emotions in the viewers and focus on nostalgia, security, happiness, relaxation, sadness, intimacy, etc.
Endorsements – Endorsements give an extra nudge to those potential customers who are still in limbo when it comes to making a purchase. Testimonials by people of authority or happy customers can make a world of a difference.
Characters + Storylines – Powerful storylines involving imaginary characters can be used to attract and engage the customers enough to recognize the benefits and advantages of using a certain product. Depictions and stories of the everyday lives of people also help in making customers interested.
Solutions – In our problem riddled world, solutions are more than welcome. By showing a positive relationship between a product and the problem it solves can easily make a product more attractive in the eyes of the customers and make them purchase it.
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