Is your business dependent on reviews to help people find you and trust you? Jared Brick founder of Brick House Media Co, shares his advice and pro tips for growth. In this short video you will learn a process to you can easily test out immediately.
“84 Percent of People Trust Online Reviews As Much As Friends. ”
In this video, Jared breaks down a simple yet powerful growth process for requesting reviews from your customers. Simply requesting that you gain a review after your business has served a client can be a critical step in the process of growth. People really do trust reviews, that much we know, and leveraging this simple action-based process can really help you collect and share the good, as well as learn from the negative reviews, as private feedback.
Here is a sample that you can copy for your email, social media or website pages:
Thank you for your business, we greatly value your feedback and welcome your review, please select one option:
👍 Great!
👎 Needs Work
🤔 Not sure (optional)
“70% of people will leave a review when simply asked.”
Now let’s break down where and why these options are so clear, powerful and helpful to you.
👍 Great!
Leads people directly to Yelp, Google, Facebook for reviews, try it.
👎 Needs Work
Leads them to email you directly, or a feedback form online, try it.
🤔 Not sure
Optional, and leads them to a contact page or other form
If people click Great, you will want them to quickly fill out a positive review for you on the platform of your choice. If you are a brick and mortar physical store or business, we recommend Yelp or Google to collect more reviews. Timing is important and so getting them to review you business when happy is truly great!
If people click Needs Work, it immediately takes them away from social media and to a private email or custom feedback form. Please see this is a critical feedback to help make your products or services better. People want to feel heard and so some lash out online with negative reviews first. If you offer them a private place to be heard and you can respond accordingly. Never try to escalate a negative experience… as it often does lead to a negative online review. Acknowledge their issue, take responsibility where it is due and move on when appropriate. No company can satisfy 100% of people all the time.
If people click Not Sure, it may be an indicator they are not ready, complete or willing to offer a review at this time. This is speaking to the 30% of people who may not want to or be willing to offer a review. It may simply be out of time or interest and be sure to try again at a later date.
When are the best times to request these reviews?
Once a customer has paid for a service with you
A new customer and first time experience
You recall a very positive experience, send it to them
After a customer pays for a recurring service or subscription
On a timed and repeating schedule to guarantee more reviews are collected
The best advise we can offer is to simply ask, regardless of the format and process. Make it easy for the customer and easy for you. Let us know how it goes and if we can help in any way, we got your back. Good luck!
Seeking more great helpful and supportive media strategy, book an hourly consult with Jared today!
Sources and further reading