Season one

Set in the near future 2026, a singular global event occurs for all people across the world become exactly separated in half.

Half of all couples, families, communities, countries and the entire human race have split. Now half the Earth’s population become identified with a new DNA mutation located in their genetic makeup, from a completely unknown source.

This new gene begins to heal people’s genetic weak links (disease, illness, disabilities) while exactly half the world’s people now become segregated and consider “the other”.

People with this gene shift begin to experience a telekinetic consciousness and telepathy skills with others, including some odd side effects and even hallucinations.

The world now wonders is this a genetic mutation derived from an alien species, a human virus spreading or simply our own human evolution? Where did it come from? How will it change humans?

How will all humans react when exactly half the population have become different.




Creative Copyright owned by Jared S. Brick

Brick House Media Co © 2022


Coming Soon: HALF.tv